Class EntitiesClientGetOptionsAbstract

The contract used to specify the options for GET calls for Entities.



apiVersion?: API_VERSION

The version of the API to use when fetching the Entities. Refer to the list of entities and their supported API versions.

criteria?: {
    [key: string]: any;

A list of criteria to be used to filter the results. Each entity exposes a specific list of criteria. Refer to the Entities SDK documentation in the Admin app for more information.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any
entityName?: string

The entity type to be fetched. e.g. 'item' If reference is passed, the entity name of the reference will be used.

federatedId?: string

The federated id of the entity to be fetched. If id is passed, federatedId will be ignored.

federatedIds?: string[]

A list of federated ids of the entities to be fetched. If id or federatedId is passed, federatedIds will be ignored.

id?: string

The id of the entity to be fetched. If referenceis passed, the id of the reference will be used.

nextPageKey?: string

The next page key received from the previous call. This is only used for pagination with entities that support V2 API.

order?: SortOption[]
reference?: string

A reference to the entity to be fetched. e.g. item:123. If reference is passed, it overrides entityName and id.

relation?: string


use suffix instead.

relations?: string[]

A list of relations to be fetched. e.g. ['type', 'typeProperties']. Each entity exposes a specific list of relations. Refer to the Entities SDK documentation in the Admin app for more information.

skip?: number

A number of results to skip. This is only used for pagination with entities that support the Search API.

take?: number

The number of results to fetch. This is only used for pagination with entities that support the Search API.

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